© Translation by Soormaira Haizly and is reprinted here with permission.   Copy of this translation for non-commercial usage is permitted on the condition that it is not modified and a reference to www.weissmandl.org is provided.



First line (handwritten):Received 31 March 1943

Second line (handwritten): illegible

Third line (typewritten): March 24, 1943

Rest of document: typewritten (at spots barely legible).

No name or address of either writer or recipient of this letter is preserved in the original, German-language, typewritten text.


It is altogether leading to despair that, for the past several months now, our Schaliach [a messenger – YF] service does not function any more at all. I therefore must refer to my previous writings, wherein I pointed out that whenever there happens to be occasion for dispatching a Schaliach, there must be reaction to all of our requests or, as the case may be, inquiries, since after all we never know when the next occasion to send a Schaliach will present itself.

I specifically refer to our telephone conversation of the 23rd of the current month, and from the remarks by Nathan [Schwalb, Jewish Agency Representative in Geneva – YF] I do glean that everything is, indeed, in the stage of preparation and that all that is expected at this time is merely the Schaliach's departure. Likewise I confirm recept of Uncle Sally's letter [Sally Mayer, JOINT representative in Switzerland –S.H.] dated the 24th of the past month, which letter surely matches Nathan's statements.

I cannot enough give expression to my feelings, thanking you not only in my own name, but in the name of all of us, most innermost-cordially, for the helpfulness as was experienced in this instance in actual deed. May the conciousness of it having been allotted to you to have been, within the last hours and days prior to total annihilation, the very sustainer of thousands of lives - may that very conciousness embolden you to further and further deeds.

Since my last report to you, here is what I have to now tell you. The previously interrupted program, then scheduled to be carried out during the month of March, could be postponed, due to some small assistance which had been put at our disposal by Miklos, thus enabling us to pay off the most urgent indebtedness. On the other hand, we did take upon ourselves, based on your promises, certain committments. Thanks to this circumstance, it came to be that, following a hiatus of several weeks, we once again enjoyed a certain freedom of movement permitting us to meanwhile carry out our activities all the more intensively. Willy [SS officer Dieter Wisliceny –YF] has entered into an agreement with the Rasha [ a wicked person, i.e., his boss, Eichmann – YF] , according to which, for the length of time of his absence, nothing must be undertaken. Until then we will have to be in full readiness, because as past experience clearly shows, there is no sense in being captive to any false illusions, as the deciding factor will always be the fulfillment of the premise so well known to you. We must be aware of facing yet high mountains, and that, also, the internal mentality here contributes substantially toward placing our Tzarot [trouble – YF] at all times in the foreground, or, as it were, to divert the inner dissatisfaction onto us. This said, I nevertheless, with the fullest sense of responsibility, can foretell that I do hold it to be entirely possible that we may yet reach our goal, it being understood that, of course, this means that our mere own work, strength, and initiative, certainly do not suffice in this respect, rather the decisive factor was and will always continue to be that our friends must view our situation with such understanding as to motivate them to actually come to our help, the way you know how. Thus, with united strength, it should be given to us to ultimately succeed to emerge victorious out of this horrible struggle.

As already noted, it is expected that toward the middle of April, Willy shall again be visiting here. He will then set forth his wishes, which, it can be assumed, will be no small matter. Ditto as to the committments which we were compelled to enter into toward certain other relevant entities, quite so, which however is beyond our control, as it is not we who set up the conditions. In the course of our activities, we also have found some good collaborators, who act on our behalf also without the benefit of Kessef [money – YF]. To sum it all up: While we are still confronting monstruous tasks, it is my belief that, yes, there is a potential for ample chances yet.

As to the major design, no need to go into details at this point, as you are, of course, already in the know, specifically concerning the fact that Willy, likewise, on the occasion of his forthcoming visit, is about to submit to us certain proposals in this respect, in which case it will be of utmost importance that your response thereto will enable us to so commit ourselves, thus striving toward implementation of this particular design.

Regarding the book campaign, enclosed herewith find a letter written in Ivrit, by my colleague [Rabbi Weissmandl – Y.F.] . It is my hope to be the recipient of your reply also in this respect.

Signature: Not legible [Gisi Fleicshmann – YF]